What to watch out for in the first trimester of pregnancy?
My article in frezyland.gr
In the first weeks of pregnancy, the female body goes through many changes. The baby grows very quickly, even though the woman cannot feel it yet. However, the first few weeks are a unique time to follow a lifestyle that is suitable for yourself and the foetus.
What should I watch out for in my diet?
Eat well! This means eating at least 3 meals and 2 healthy snacks every day, including foods like vegetables and fruit. Try pears, apples, apples, berries, broccoli, kale and leafy greens. Whole foods: whole grains, whole grain cereals, pasta/whole wheat bread, oats and brown rice. Protein foods: try protein-rich foods such as eggs, beans, fish, poultry, lean meat, peanut butter, milk, soy, yoghurt and cheese. Healthy fats: such as nuts, seeds, avocados, oily fish, corn and olive oil. Drink plenty of fluids. We’ll never stop stressing it as gynecologists: drink lots of water. Avoid sodas and other sugary drinks. Choose foods that have important vitamins for your baby, such as calcium, iron and folic acid. Dairy products, almonds, broccoli, corn tortillas and orange juice are good sources of calcium. Beef, poultry, spinach, lentils, lentils, beans and dried fruit are rich in iron. Broccoli, asparagus, peanuts and almonds are good sources of folic acid.
Avoid foods that could harm your pregnancy: Do not eat raw or medium-cooked meat, chicken or fish (such as sushi or raw oysters). Do not eat raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs, such as Caesar salad dressing. Do not eat soft cheeses and unpasteurized dairy foods, such as brie, or blue cheese. Avoid spicy and fatty foods. Limit the amount of fish with high mercury content. Do not eat more than 150 g of high mercury fish each month. These include fresh or frozen tuna, shark and swordfish. Wash vegetables very well before eating them. Avoid caffeine or limit your intake to 300 mg (or about 2 cups of coffee or tea) each day. Drinking alcohol is not recommended during pregnancy
Do not touch cat litter or cat faeces. They can cause an infection (toxoplasmosis) that can harm the baby. Avoid very high body temperature such as saunas or hot tubs. Sexual intercourse is allowed unless there is a medical contraindication (e.g. vaginal bleeding , risk of premature birth, etc.) Try to sleep well. If you are working, you may want to schedule some rest time at lunchtime. Your body needs eight to nine hours of sleep each day. Exercise. Regular exercise helps combat the frequent mood swings due to hormonal changes and fatigue that occur in that first trimester. It also helps prevent weight gain and fight insomnia. Get the flu vaccine. According to international data, the flu is more likely to cause serious pregnancy complications due to changes in the immune and cardiovascular systems that occur during this period, including even premature delivery. The flu vaccine reduces this risk. Also, the flu vaccine can protect the baby from flu after birth. Since the mother’s antibodies are passed on to the baby, the vaccine will help protect the baby from flu in the first few months after birth. Do not smoke. If you are a smoker, now is the best time to quit, not only for your health, but also for your baby’s health. Women who smoke during pregnancy are at a higher risk of miscarriage, increased risk of fetal birth defects and other conditions such as gestational hypertension, etc. As for e-cigarettes, while they usually contain less harmful substances than regular cigarette smoke, e-cigarettes contain nicotine which is still not safe during pregnancy. What you need to remember is that pregnancy brings both positive and negative emotions. It is normal to feel anxiety, joy, excitement, fear, awe, or uncertainty. Even if you are not able to observe all of the above the important thing is to do your best to maintain your mental and physical balance. It is important for new mothers to see things in perspective and feel grateful for the “gift” that has come to them. Therefore, focus on the fact that your body is preparing to create another human being and you will do your best.