HPV Vaccination

The HPV vaccine is the best way to prevent certain subtypes of the HPV virus, which are associated with the development of warts.

The highest rate of cervical cancer is associated with HPV (the wart virus). Building immunity through vaccination is very important to eliminate cervical cancer in the future.

At what age is it done?

Vaccination for HPV can be done from the age of 9 years but usually 11 and 12 years is recommended. It is very important that young girls are vaccinated before they start having sexual intercourse because only then will they gain full immunity. Of course, the vaccine can also be given after intercourse is complete, but with less benefit.

How many doses of the vaccine?

For ages 9 to 15, two doses are made over a 6-month period. For ages 15 and over, three doses are given.

Are there any side effects?

After years of studies by experts it turns out that the side effects are usually mild. The most common of these is irritation of the skin at the injection site.

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