If normal delivery is not the right option for your case, then a caesarean section is the way your baby will come into the world.
The actual indications for a caesarean section are:
- Progressive placenta.
- Hip position and after the external transformation has failed.
- Transverse position.
- Simultaneous infection with HIV (AIDS) and HCV (hepatitis C).
- Appearance in the third trimester of pregnancy of primary genital herpes infection.
- Previous surgery to remove fibroids by opening the uterus.
- Placental abruption – bleeding during delivery or fetal distress.
Caesarean section can be made more “friendly” by making some choices, the mother using the epidural can participate in the birth of her child and breastfeed immediately after her baby comes out. After surgery the mother remains with her newborn in the recovery room, as well as after they go to the room to room in.