How can the sun “take care” of expectant mothers?
Did you knowthat sun therapy can improve the chance of IVF success? A dose of sunshine, the best natural source of vitamin D, provides much more than a smile on your face?
The importance of vitamin D in pregnancy and how it supports the development of the baby is well known. Vitamin D is essential for maintaining proper calcium levels in the body. For pregnant and nursing mothers, it helps form the baby’s bones and teeth and can affect bone development and immune function from birth to adulthood. A vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women can also contribute to complications such as gestational diabetes. This is why a simple vitamin D blood test is generally recommended for women who are trying to conceive or are in the early stages of pregnancy.
In recent years there has been a growing body of research on its contribution to the positive results of IVF treatment.
An Italian study published found that women treated with IVF with adequate levels of vitamin D were more likely to produce high-quality embryos and almost twice as likely to become pregnant.
More recently, 11,500 women were evaluated in a European study examining the effect of the environment (temperature, rain and sunshine) on the results of IVF treatment. The study found that the birth rate improved for women who were exposed to more sunshine in the month before the IVF cycle began.
One of the best sources of vitamin D comes from natural sunlight. 10,000-20,000 units can be produced with just 30 minutes of full body exposure to the sun. Vitamin D can also be obtained from foods such as fatty fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon), eggs and some dairy products, although it is difficult to obtain enough vitamin D to meet recommended levels from food alone.
So boost your fertility with a few minutes of sunbathing a day while avoiding excessive exposure to the sun, especially when the sun’s radiation is very strong, i.e. between 11 am and 4 pm