Presented Abstracts
Prof. Dr. Παναγιώτης Δρακόπουλος
2023 | Puga Leal R, Boudry L, Drakopoulos P, Verpoest W, Blockeel C. “Should GnRH agonist mono-trigger still be used in patients with a low ovarian reserve undergoing IVF?”, 50th Scientific meeting of BSRM |
2023 | Mostinckx L, Goyens E, Mackens S, Roelens C, Boudry L, Uvin V, Segers I, Schoemans C, P. Drakopoulos P, M. De Vos. “Clinical outcomes from ART in predicted hyperresponders: in-vitro maturation of oocytes versus conventional ovarian stimulation”, ESHRE annual meeting 2023 |
2023 | Loreti S, Roelens C, Drakopoulos P, De Munck N, Tournaye H, Mackens S, Blockeel C. “Circadian serum progesterone variations on the day of frozen embryo transfer in artificially prepared cycles”, ESHRE annual meeting 2023 |
2023 | De Munck N, Mateizel I, Drakopoulos P, Segers I, Vande Velde H, Van Landuyt L, De Vos A, Schoemans C, Jankovic D, Blockeel C, Tournaye H, Wouters K. “Clinical pregnancy after blastocyst culture at a stable temperature of 36.6°C or 37.1°C: a prospective randomized controlled trial”, ESHRE annual meeting 2023 |
2023 | Karagianni M, Papadopoulou MI, Drakopoulos P, Oraiopoulou C, Christoforidis N, Papatheodorou A, Chatziparasidou A. “Morphokinetic analysis of cases with vitrified-warmed oocytes in oocyte donation program”, ESHRE annual meeting 2023 |
2023 | Pantopikou K, Oraiopoulou C, Papatheodorou A, Drakopoulos P, Christoforidis N, Chatsiparasidou A. “Does sperm cryopreservation affect the clinical outcome? A retrospective study in an oocyte donation program”, ESHRE annual meeting 2023 |
2023 | Blockeel C, Agius MP, De Rijdt S, Tournaye H, De Vos M, Drakopoulos P. “Dual trigger versus hCG-only trigger in ICSI patients: an analysis of 8500 cycles”, ESHRE annual meeting 2023 |
2023 | Darici E, Loreti S, Nekkebroeck J, Drakopoulos P, De Munck N, Tournaye H, De Vos M. “A 10-year follow-up of reproductive outcomes in women returning after elective oocyte cryopreservation”, ESHRE annual meeting 2023 |
2023 | Bumbul-Mazurek E, Roelens C, Mackens S, Van Landuyt L, Drakopoulos P, Tournaye H, Blockeel C. “The dose of micronised vaginal progesterone prior to frozen embryo transfer in artificially prepared cycles: the more the better?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2023 |
2023 | Agius M, Schutyser V, Soares M, Drakopoulos P, Blockeel C. “Does the presence of an endometrial polyp during ovarian stimulation have any impact on IVF/ICSI outcomes?”, 28th EBCOG Congress |
2023 | Christoforidis N, Dimitraki N, Anesidis N, Kiriakidis M, Drakopoulos P, Chatziparasidou A, Siristatidis C. “Effect of Vitamin-D supplementation on frozen embryotransfer cycle outcomes”, 10th International IVIRMA Congress 2023 |
2022 | Spaggiari G, Lispi M, Drakopoulos P, Caprio F, Colacurci N, Simoni M, Santi D. “Testosterone serum levels are related to sperm DNA fragmentation index reduction after FSH administration in males with idiopathic infertility”, 12th European Congress of Andrology |
2022 | Van Landuyt L, Drakopoulos P, Mateizel I, Schoemans C, Wouters K, Jankovic D, De Vos A, Mackens, S, De Munck, N. “Time interval between warming and transfer of vitrified blastocysts does not affect clinical pregnancy rate”, Alpha 13th Biennial Conference |
2022 | De Munck N, Mateizel I, Drakopoulos P, Van Landuyt L, De Vos A, Segers I, Schoemans C, Jankovic D, Van de Velde H, Wouters K. “What is the effect of four selected commercially available oils on pH and osmolality of four selected commercially available embryo culture media?”, Alpha 13th Biennial Conference |
2022 | Hendrickx S, Drakopoulos P, De Munck N, Ruttens S, Tournaye H, De Vos M, Blockeel C. “Progestin primed ovarian stimulation using dydrogesterone in oocyte donation cycles: a longitudinal study”, ESHRE annual meeting 2022 |
2022 | Roelens C, Pais F, Mackens S, Van Landuyt L, De Vos M, Tournaye H, Drakopoulos P, Blockeel C. “The impact of luteal phase support on pregnancy outcomes in relation to serum progesterone levels on the day of frozen embryo transfer in natural cycles”, ESHRE annual meeting 2022 |
2022 | Pais F, Mackens S, Roelens C, Amghizar S, Van Landuyt L, De Vos M, Tournaye H, Drakopoulos P, Blockeel C. “Impact of adding oral dydrogesterone (OD) in patients with low serum progesterone (P) levels in artificially prepared frozen embryo transfer cycles (FET-HRT)”, ESHRE annual meeting 2022 |
2022 | Vromman M, Mackens S, De Vos M, Tournaye H, De Munck N, Blockeel C, Drakopoulos P. “The impact of the recipients’ age in vitrified/warmed oocyte donation (OD) cycles”, ESHRE annual meeting 2022 |
2022 | Spaggiari G, Lispi M, Drakopoulos P, Simoni M, Santi D. “Is there an association between sDF index and serum testosterone in human follicle stimulating hormone alfa (r-hFSH alfa) treated males with idiopathic infertility?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2022 |
2022 | Boudry L, Racca A, Mackens S, Tournaye H, De Vos M, Drakopoulos P, Blockeel C. “Does dual stimulation with continuous FSH administration increase the total number of metaphase II oocytes in poor responders?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2022 |
2021 | Racca A, Santos-Ribeiro S, Drakopoulos P, Boudry L, Mackens S, De Vos M, Tournaye H, Blockeel C.” Short (seven days) versus conventional (fourteen days) estrogen priming in an artificial frozen embryo transfer cycle: a randomised controlled trial”, ESHRE annual meeting 2021 |
2021 | Drakopoulos P, Boudry L, Mackens S, De Vos M, Verheyen G, Tournaye H, Blockeel C. “Does the dose or type of gonadotropin affect the reproductive outcomes of poor responders undergoing modified natural cycle IVF (MNC-IVF)?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2021 |
2021 | De Rijdt S, Drakopoulos P, Mackens S, Strypstein L, Tournaye H, De Vos M, Blockeel C. “Impact of GnRH antagonist pretreatment on oocyte yield after ovarian stimulation: a retrospective analysis”, ESHRE annual meeting 2021 |
2021 | Delattre S, Strypstein L, Drakopoulos P, Mackens S, De Rijdt S, Van Landuyt L, Verheyen G, Tournaye H, Blockeel C, De Vos M. “What is the optimal ovarian stimulation (OS) protocol for women who undergo planned oocyte cryopreservation (POC)?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2021 |
2021 | De Vos M, Drakopoulos P, Moeykens MF, Mostinckx L, Segers L, Verheyen G, Tournaye H, Blockeel C, Mackens S. “Cumulative live birth rate after a freeze-all approach in women with polycystic ovaries: does the PCOS phenotype have an impact?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2021 |
2021 | Christoforidis N, Dimitraki M, Anesidis N, Kiriakidis M, Katsanikos S, Drakopoulos P, Papatheodorou A, Xatziparasidou A “Determining the definition of cycle in IVF: the crucial role of vitrification in the identification of different types of treatment, 6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Γονιμότητας & Στειρότητας (Ε.Ε.Γ.Σ.) |
2020 | Berdiaki A, Makrygiannakis F, Michopoulou V, Zafeiropoulou S, Vrekoussis T, Drakopoulos P “Effect of Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on human stromal cell proliferation and decidualization”, 4th SSRHR Meeting |
2020 | Zafeiropoulou S, Berdiaki A, Michopoulou V, Makrygiannakis F, Vrekoussis T, Drakopoulos P, Makrigiannakis A “Age-related changes in human endometrial stromal cell decidualization”, 4th SSRHR Meeting |
2020 | Van de Haute L, Drakopoulos P, Verheyen G, De Vos M, Tournaye H, Blockeel C “Follitropin alfa (Ovaleap Ⓡ) compared with follitropin beta (Puregon Ⓡ) in women undergoing a first GnRH antagonist cycle for ICSI: a retrospective cohort study”, ASRM annual meeting 2020 |
2020 |
Racca A, Coticchio G, Di Guardo F, Borini A, Drakopoulos P, Mackens S, Tournaye H, Verheyen G, Blockeel C, Van Landuyt L “Impact of cell loss after warming of human vitrified day 3 embryos on the obstetrical outcome in single frozen embryo transfers”, ESHRE annual meeting 2020 |
2020 | Siffain J, Racca A, Drakopoulos P, Popovic-Todorovic B, Roelens C, Mackens S, Tournaye H, De Vos M, Fatemi HM, Blockeel C “Variation in luteinizing hormone levels in artificially prepared frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles: impact on live birth rates”, ESHRE annual meeting 2020 |
2020 | Uvin V, De Brucker M, Drakopoulos P, Poppe K, Tournaye H, Unuane D “Does thyroid autoimmunity and more specifically anti-thyroglobulin antibodies affect IVF/ICSI outcome?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2020 |
2020 | De Vos M, Mackens S, Pareyn S, Drakopoulos P, Deckers T, Mostinckx L, Segers I, Santos-Ribeiro S, Camus M, Verheyen G, Tournaye H, Blockeel C “Outcome of in vitro oocyte maturation (IVM) in patients with PCOS: does patient phenotype have an impact?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2020 |
2020 |
Mostinckx L, Mackens S, Drakopoulos P, Segers I, Santos-Ribeiro S, Popovic-Todorovic B, Tournaye H, Blockeel C, De Vos M “Early pregnancy loss in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: in vitro maturation of oocytes versus controlled ovarian stimulation”, ESHRE annual meeting 2020 |
2020 | Bardhi E, Blockeel C, Cools W, Santos-Ribeiro S, Racca A, Mackens S, De Vos M, Polyzos NP, Popovic-Todorovic B, De Brucker M, Tournaye H, Drakopoulos P “Is ovarian response related to adverse perinatal outcomes after fresh embryo transfer in GnRH antagonist downregulated IVF/ICSI treatment cycles?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2020 |
2020 | Mateizel I, Drakopoulos P, Tournaye H, Verheyen G “Is the embryo utilization rate different after conventional IVF or ICSI in sibling oocytes?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2020 |
2020 | Polyzos NP, Blockeel C, Spits C, Alvaro Mercadal B, Garcia S, Ma P, Le L, Ho M, Duqué G, Mertens J, Stoop D, Drakopoulos P, Tournaye H, Martinez F, Vuong N “Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in FSHR/FSHβ genes do not modify ovarian response to stimulation with rFSH. A prospective multicentre study in Europe and Asia”, ESHRE annual meeting 2020 |
2020 | Drakopoulos P, Di Guardo F, Blockeel C, De Vos M, Anckaert E, Verheyen G, Santos-Ribeiro S, Racca A, Boudry L, Mackens S, Tournaye H, Vloebergs V “Low male testosterone results in a substantial decrease of fresh live birth rates in couples with non-male factor infertility undergoing IVF”, ESHRE annual meeting 2020 |
2020 | Rosetti J, Francotte J, Noel E, Drakopoulos P, Rabbachin N, De Brucker M “The efficacy of continuous ropivacaine subfascial wound infusion after caesarean delivery in pain management”, EBCOG 2020 meeting |
2019 | Drakopoulos P, Garcia-Velasco J.A, Bosch E, Blockeel C, De Vos M, Tournaye H, Polyzos N.P “ICSI does not offer any benefit over conventional IVF across different ovarian response categories: a European multicenter analysis”, ESHRE annual meeting 2019 |
2019 | Errazuriz J, Romito A, Santos-Ribeiro S, Popovic-Todorovic B, Racca A, Tournaye H, De Vos M, C. Blockeel C, Drakopoulos P “Modified natural cycle IVF versus conventional stimulation in advanced-age Bologna poor responders”, ESHRE annual meeting 2019 |
2019 | Romito A, Blockeel C, Errazuriz J, De Vos M, Santos Ribeiro S, Van Der Kelen A, Mackens S, Racca A, Benedetti Panici P, Tournaye H, Drakopoulos P “Cumulative live birth rates in women with poor ovarian response (POR) meeting the Bologna criteria: the importance of the phenotype”, ESHRE annual meeting 2019 |
2018 | Anderse MF, Drakopoulos P, Humaidan P, Gomez JL, Bruna I, Rombauts L, Santos-Ribeiro S, Dosouto C, Coroleu B, Barri PN, Polyzos NP “Off-label use of androgens and letrozole in infertile women – a multinational survey in Europe and Australia”, ESHRE annual meeting 2018 |
2018 | Racca A, Drakopoulos P, Van Landuyt L, Willem C, Santos-Ribeiro S, Tournaye H, Blockeel C, Polyzos NP “Single and double embryo transfer provide similar live birth rates in frozen cycles”, ESHRE annual meeting 2018 |
2018 | Blockeel C, Racca A, De Munck N, Santos-Ribeiro S, Errazuriz Valenzuela J, Drakopoulos P, Galvao A, Mackens S, De Vos M, Tournaye H “Impact of serum progesterone on embryo quality and cumulative live birth rate in oocyte donation cycles” , ESHRE annual meeting 2018 |
2018 | De Rijdt S, Errazuriz J, Santos-Ribeiro S, Drakopoulos P, Racca A, Galvao A, De Munck N, Camus M, Tournaye H, Blockeel C “Does early respons on ovarian stimulation using corifollitropin alfa versus hp-hMG influence live-birth rates in a GnRH antagonist protocol?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2018 |
2018 | Errazuriz J, Drakopoulos P, Pening D, Racca A, De Munck A, De Vos A, Tournaye H, Blockeel C “Among Bologna poor responders, does the type of GnRH analogue play any role when corifollitropin alfa is used?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2018 |
2018 | Roelens C, Santos-Ribeiro S, Racca A, Mackens S, Drakopoulos P, Tournaye H, Blockeel C “The effect of the duration of elevated progesterone during the late-follicular phase of ovarian stimulation on live birth rates following IVF/ICSI”, ESHRE annual meeting 2018 |
2018 | Santos-Ribeiro S, Mackens S, Popovic B, Polyzos NP, Racca A, Drakopoulos P, De Vos M, Tournaye H, Blockeel C Implantation enhancement by elective “Cryopreservation of all viable Embryos (ICE): randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing the two safest approaches in IVF/ICSI for high-responders”, ESHRE annual meeting 2018 |
2018 | Popovic – Todorovic B, Santos-Ribeiro S, De Vos M, Racca A, Drakopoulos P, Thorez Y, Tournaye H, Blockeel C “Are serum LH levels at the initiation of ovarian stimulation associated with oocyte retrieval yield after GnRH agonist triggering?”, ESHRE annual meeting 2018 |
2018 | Polyzos NP, Drakopoulos P, Tournaye H, Schiettecatte J, Anckaert E, Donner H, Bobba G, Miles G, Verhagen-Kamerbeek W, Bosch E “EStradiol and PRogesterone in In vitro ferTilization (ESPRIT): evaluation of the third versus second generation estradiol and progesterone Elecsys® assays”, ASRM annual meeting 2018 |
2018 | Polyzos NP, Rodriguez I, Devesa M, Drakopoulos P, Parriego M, Rodriguez-Purata J, Veiga A, Barri P, Coroleu B “Who are the patients that can really benefit from preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy? An age-adjusted analysis to calculate the number of oocytes to have one euploid embryo”, ASRM annual meeting 2018 |
2017 | RabbachinN, Uvin V, Drakopoulos P, Camus M, Tournaye H, De Brucker M “Is diagnostic hysteroscopy more useful than transvaginal ultrasound prior to IVF?” 33rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE |
2017 | Polyzos NP, Drakopoulos P, Parra J, Pellicer A, Tournaye H, Bosch E, Garcia-Velasco J “Cumulative live birth rates following the first ovarian stimulation for IVF/ICSI. A European multicenter analysis of ~15.000 women using individual patient data” 33rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE |
2017 | Drakopoulos P, Vuong TN, Ho NAV, Vaiarelli A, Ho MT, Blockeel C, Camus M, Lam AT, van de Vijver A, Humaidan P, Tournaye H, Polyzos NP “Corifollitropin alfa followed by hp-HMG versus recombinant FSH in young poor ovarian responders. A multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial” 33rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE 2017 |
2017 | Drakopoulos P, van de Vijver A, Parra J, Anckaert E, Schiettecatte J, Smitz J, Blockeel C, Hund M, Verhagen-Kamerbeek W, He Y, Polyzos NP, Tournaye H “Effect of GnRH agonist downregulation on serum AMH levels: a prospective cohort study with repeated measurements” ASRM annual meeting 2017 |
2016 | Drakopoulos P, Blockeel C, Stoop D, Camus M, De vos M, Tournaye H, Polyzos NP ‘‘Utilization of all fresh and frozen embryos after single embryo transfer for IVF/ICSI: the effect of ovarian response on cumulative live birth rates’’, International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 17th Word Congress, Firenze, Italy |
2016 | Pareyn, M. De Vos, P. Drakopoulos, S. Santos-Ribeiro, N. Polyzos, H. Tournaye, C. Blockeel ‘‘Reproductive outcome in patients with polycystic ovaries: does phenotype matter?’’ 32nd Annual Meeting of ESHRE |
2016 | van de Vijver A, Drakopoulos P, Van Landuyt L, Vaiarelli A, Blockeel C, Santos-Ribeiro S, Tournaye, Polyzos NP “ Vitamin D deficiency and pregnancy rates following frozen/thawed embryo transfer: a prospective cohort study” |
2016 | Santos-Ribeiro S, Costa Ribeiro V, De Munck N, Drakopoulos P, Polyzos NP, Schutyser V, Verheyen G, Tournaye T, Blockeel C ‘‘Why do we still measure endometrial thickness and what is its effect on live birth rates? ’’ 32nd Annual Meeting of ESHRE |
2015 | Martinez de Tejada B, Fernandez S, Gayet-Ageron A, Duyck C, Drakopoulos P, Irion O. “What’s the optimal duration of oral misoprostol treatment for cervical repinening”, 35th Annual Meeting, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), San Diego, CA |
2014 | Pluchino N, Drakopoulos P, Taburiaux L, Vanden Eynde M, Constantin F, Petignat P,Wenger JM. “Laparoscopic endometriosis radical treatment of a rectovaginal nodule by the shaving technique”, annual meeting, Swiss Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SSGO) |
2014 | Pluchino N., Drakopoulos P., Taburiaux L., Vanden Eynde M., Constantin F., Petignat P, Wenger JM. “Surgical outcome and recurrence rate of 376 patients operated by the shaving tecnique for deepcolorectal endometriosis” annual meeting, Swiss Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SSGO) |
2014 | Taburiaux L, Pluchino N, Drakopoulos P,Wenger JM, Petignat P. “Malignant transformation of abdominal wall endometriosis” , annual meeting, Swiss Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SSGO) |
2014 | Chuzeville A, Drakopoulos P, Irion O,Jastrow N. “Rupture of an enormous Ovarian cyst in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy”, annual meeting, Swiss Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SSGO) |
2014 | Drakopoulos P, Pluchino N, Casarosa E, Petignat P, Genazzani AR. “Effect of estetrol administration on brain and serum allopregnanolone in intact and ovariectomised rats”, 30th Annual Meeting of ESHRE – Munich 2014 |
2013 | Drakopoulos P, Cantero P, Ibécheole V, Chardonnens D, Caseiro P, Streuli I. Genital tuberculosis diagnosed in the context of infertility: about two cases in Geneva, meeting of French-speaking group of Swiss society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SSGO) |
2012 | Fernandez S, Duyck C, Drakopoulos P, Bischofberger A, Gayet-Agerona, Boulvain M, Irion O, Martinez de Tejada Weber B. “Oral Misoprostol (PGE1) for induction of labour”, Swiss Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SSGO), annual meeting |
2011 | Drakopoulos P, Eperon I, Kraemer K, Biraux J, Irion O, Martinez de Tejada B.“Neonatal appendicitis: A rare disease in the neonatal period”, annual meeting, Swiss society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SSGO) |