Is there IVF with fewer hormones?
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Several recent scientific reports show that infertility rates are increasing worldwide. For this reason, more and more couples trying to have a baby are resorting to the solution of in vitro fertilization (IVF).
The goal of IVF treatment is to give birth to a healthy baby, with minimal risks to the health of both the baby and the mother.
Ovarian stimulation in standard IVF involves the use of high-dose drugs and aims to collect multiple eggs to improve success rates. However, more and more couples with fertility problems are seeking solutions with fewer hormonal drugs and side effects, as standard IVF is often an emotionally painful and time-consuming process. Mild stimulation (mild stimulation) IVF is a term used nowadays to denote the use of low doses (or no drugs) to stimulate the ovaries in an IVF cycle.
As with traditional IVF, fertilisation takes place in the laboratory and then embryo transfer. Mild ovarian stimulation, which aims to achieve a more patient-friendly option, seems to be gaining ground, as the financial costs are lower and the results are satisfactory.
What are the options for a mild IVF stimulation?
The two main options are the natural cycle and IVF with fewer drugs:
Natural IVF cycle
The natural IVF cycle does not involve the administration of fertility drugs at all. The egg that is released as part of the normal monthly cycle is taken and mixed with sperm, as in the case of conventional IVF.Some studies have shown that perhaps this one egg is of better quality than the eggs in conventional IVF. In addition, it is also less likely to have a multiple pregnancy (twins or triplets) compared to standard IVF and at the same time all the side effects of IVF drugs (dizziness, hot flashes, bloating/abdominal discomfort) are avoided. It should also be remembered that the drugs used for ovarian stimulation are injectable, which is psychologically and physically painful for many women (irritation at the injection site, small hematomas, etc.)
IVF with fewer drugs
In this case, a lower dose of drugs is taken for a shorter period of time than in standard IVF. This significantly reduces the treatment time and therefore avoids unpleasant side effects of the drugs. The probability of success is similar and the complication rate is lower.
Does mild IVF stimulation affect the chances of success?
In general, success rates tend to be lower than with standard IVF, as fewer eggs are collected. For this reason, these treatments are only indicated in certain cases. In particular, women who do not respond well to IVF (e.g. women of advanced reproductive age) and women with previous failed attempts seem to be an appropriate target group.
In conclusion, compared to traditional IVF treatments with high doses of drugs, gentle stimulation has several advantages, such as reduced cost per cycle and less physical/emotional stress for the prospective mother. However, it should be noted that this treatment is only indicated in specific cases.
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- Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Comparison of pregnancy rates for poor responders using IVF with mild ovarian stimulation versus conventional IVF: a guideline. Fertil Steril .2018 Jun;109(6):993-999.
- Montoya-Botero P, Drakopoulos P, González-Foruria I, Polyzos NP. Fresh and cumulative live birth rates in mild versus conventional stimulation for IVF cycles in poor ovarian responders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2021 Feb 14;2021(1):hoaa066.
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