Welcome to Drakopoulos IVF Team
"You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you’ll win, no matter what the outcome." —Patch Adams
Can I get pregnant after 40?
In modern society, age-related infertility is quite common as, for various reasons, many women wait until the age of 35-40 to start a family plan.
Egg freezing
An investment of a lifetime for women who wish to extend their childbearing years for various personal reasons
The first appointment at the reproductive gynecologist
is the first step to investigate the factors that prevent natural conception from being achieved.
Welcome to Drakopoulos IVF Team
"You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you’ll win, no matter what the outcome." —Patch Adams
Can I get pregnant after 40?
In modern society, age-related infertility is quite common as, for various reasons, many women wait until the age of 35-40 to start a family plan.
Egg freezing
An investment of a lifetime for women who wish to extend their childbearing years for various personal reasons
The first appointment at the reproductive gynecologist
is the first step to investigate the factors that prevent natural conception from being achieved.

Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Drakopoulos

Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Drakopoulos MD, PhD graduated with honors from the University of Athens Medical School and has specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG) in Switzerland. He received a Master of Science (MSc) in Reproductive Medicine and a degree in Statistics in Clinical Research from the University of Geneva. He specialised for several years in Assisted Reproduction at the Centre for Reproductive Medicine of the University of Brussels (CRG, UZ Brussel), one of the largest centres worldwide.


Prevention is always better than cure.

The sooner the better!


Infertility is the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy after a year of trying.

In cases where the woman is over 35, it is advisable for the couple to consult a gynaecologist specialising in infertility after six months of trying without success.

In vitro fertilisation – IVF

IVF is the joining of eggs and sperm in the laboratory – extracorporeally – in order to produce fertilised embryos for transfer to the expectant mother’s womb.

The fertilisation of the eggs can be carried out either with the help of the conventional IVF method (IVF) or with the method of microfertilisation (ICSI).

Health & Pregnancy

It is important to get specialist antenatal care from your doctor and midwife as soon as you find out you are pregnant, so make an appointment well in advance for your first visit.
Throughout pregnancy you will have a series of tests to check your health and specialised tests on the foetus to rule out various anatomical and chromosomal abnormalities.

How is IVF done?

The woman is given medication to stimulate her ovaries and produce many ovarian follicles. Then, at the appropriate time, the woman is ovulated, followed by fertilisation of the eggs from the sperm sample in the laboratory by the embryologists. The fertilised eggs are cultured in appropriate culture media and grow into embryos. The dishes containing the fertilised eggs (zygotes) are placed in an incubator for 2-5 days under special conditions to allow the embryos to go through the early stages of development. The embryos are then transferred back to the woman’s uterus(embryo transfer) and 12 days after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is performed to determine pregnancy.


Stimulation of the ovaries

Ovarian stimulation during IVF consists of daily injections that cause the ovaries to produce more than one follicle so that a larger number of eggs can be obtained.



Ovulation is the process of obtaining eggs from the ovaries. The oophorectomy is performed transvaginally, in the operating theatre under sedation, so that the woman does not feel any kind of discomfort during the procedure, which lasts about 15 minutes.



After ovulation, the sperm is collected from the partner and we proceed to fertilise the eggs. The fertilisation process is carried out either through classical IVF or through microfertilisation(ICSI).


Embryo transfer

The best embryos are selected for transfer to the mother’s womb and the embryo transfer is performed with a special catheter. The embryo transfer is painless and short, no anaesthesia of any kind is required.

The first appointment at the reproductive gynecologist

The first appointment with your fertility doctor is the first step in exploring the factors that prevent you from achieving natural conception.You will get answers to every fertility question and solutions will be found in your efforts to have your baby.


Nutrition and fertility

It is advisable to avoid certain foods if you are thinking about becoming pregnant or if you are already pregnant, because they may contain ingredients that affect the development of the foetus. Having the right weight and height proportions does not necessarily mean that you are eating healthily.

Male infertility: the whole truth

It is estimated that 15% of the world’s population has fertility problems. In the past, infertility was attributed to the woman. The advantage of this aspect was that research and many fertility treatments focused on it. However, the number of infertility cases attributed to women, 4 in 10, is the same for men, so advances

Egg cryopreservation (egg freezing): when is the right time?

Fertility is a precious commodity in a woman’s life, but it becomes limited after a few years. If you are delaying conception to allow time to develop a relationship, advance an advanced education, or establish a business or career, consider the effects of age on your fertility.

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